Posts Tagged ‘magento’

Publishers Communication Systems


PubCom is a network of services including subscription clearing services and a sales development center.

IT Department Administrator

Developed and deployed company’s primary SOA application for order processing, customer payments, accounting processes, sales reporting, and B2B activities. Led multiple concurrent web projects while practicing good programming standards and following project life cycle practices. Includes: site architecture and infrastructure, backend development using open source toolset (PHP, MySQL, Apache, Linux and others (i.e LAMP), front end development with CSS and HTML XHTML, web systems, networks and server administration. Primary developer for company’s primary application built on CodeIgniter, in MVC OOP including front-end UI’s, backend programming, cross browser compatibility, MySQL database design using complex queries. Project manager for 4 concurrent projects in PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, MVC, OOP using a variety of Supervised IT team members, delegated work, assigned tasks and enforced deadlines. Strategically planned and programmed applications that collected business minded intelligence and helped to better manage the Business to Business and Business to Customer transactions. Led the design, development and deployment of internal and external facing websites on Magento e-commerce platform. Implemented project management and ticketing system to increase productivity. Managed more than a 12 company websites written in HTML, CSS, JSP, ASP, and .NET. Maintained, updated and created backups with for a mix of local, remote, private, virtual, shared, Linux and Widows servers.
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